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Cambridge Centre for Proteomics


Cambridge Centre for Proteomics, c/o MRC-Toxicology Unit, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1QR.  Please note our email address has changed and is now

Samples can be delivered in person, by prior arrangement only, to the box in reception each morning (before 12). 

 NB samples delivered in person must be sealed inside a clean plastic bag or they will not be accepted 


The facility offers considerable expertise to researchers in industrial and academic environments in gel and mass spectrometry-based proteomics.  A list of recent publications arising from collaborations with the CCP can be found here.

Further information about the facility can be found in the brochure, which includes details on the types of experiments which can be performed at the facility as well as available instrumentation and price list.

Unfortunately, owing to inflationary pressures outside of our control, we are having to increase our prices from 1st May 2024. The brochure and tables below are currently being updated to reflect these changes.



Sequencing of proteins* Academic (£) Industry (£)

< 5 bands/spots (price per band/spot)

60 min LC-MS/MS run 200 300
120+ min LC run 230 340

> 5 bands/spots (price per band/spot)

60 min LC-MS/MS run 165 245
120+ min LC run 205 275

Sequencing of proteins from solutions**

60 min LC-MS/MS run 200 300
120+ min LC run 230 340

* Includes sample preparation and database searching

** Solutions (or pellets) should be in water, 50mM NH4HCO3 (pH 7.8) or 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6) and must be free of other salts, detergents, strong acids or bases, solvents, glycerol, HEPES and protease inhibitors. If desalting or clean up is required (and our workload allows) an additional charge will be applied (see table below).  For all samples please supply the protein concentration (or amount in the pellet if later precipitated) determined using a protein estimation kit which is compatible with the buffer in the samples. 

For accurate label-free quantitation, the protein or peptide concentration will need to be measured (for label-free quantitation from bead digests, a peptide concentration estimation will be required) the additional cost is shown in the table below.


TMT quantitation

A complex mixture of proteins in solution can be analysed for each sample. Buffer composition and protein concentration should be supplied for each sample (ensuring the correct kit is used for the buffer present). Quantitation analysis does not include custom statistical analysis.

Sequencing of proteins Academic (£) Industry (£)
Sample preparation 6plex* 1200 1500
Sample preparation 10plex* 1540 1750
Sample preparation 11plex* request quote  
Sample preparation 16plex* 2100 2400
Sample preparation 18plex* 2750 3000
LC-MS/MS 2-hour run** 250 400
Quantitation analysis 80 per hour 110 per hour

* Includes protein precipitation, reduction/alkylation/digestion, TMT Labelling, 1st dimension LC and collection of up to 30 fractions. 

** Long gradient, including Mascot searching - price per fraction


Protein precipitation, gels and protein/peptide estimation

If samples which require analysis directly from solutions have been prepared in buffers, which are incompatible with LC-MS/MS analysis (particularly detergents) the protein will need to be extracted from the buffer by precipitation methods. For accurate label-free quantitation, the protein or peptide concentration will need to be measured. For samples in solution which contain salts, it is necessary to desalt before they are analysed. .

  Academic (£) Industry (£)

TCA/acetone precipitation Up to 5 samples

120 150

For each additional 5 samples

60 75

Protein estimation Up to 10 samples

80 110

For each additional 10 samples

50 80

Peptide estimation* Up to 10 samples

125 155

For each additional 10 samples

90 120

Desalting of samples** For 1 sample

60 90

For each additional sample

30 45

1D minigels run at CCP***

85 155

* Pierce fluorometric assay

** Desalting using Pierce desalting columns

*** Cost per gel including sample preparation, gel preparation, staining with coomassie or silver and scanning


Pricing guidance notes:

  1. Purified single proteins, from gels or solution, generally only require a 60 minute LC-MS/MS run.
  2. More complex samples (e.g complex pull-downs or total lysates which have been run on a gel or pull-downs containing proteins in solution) generally require a longer 120 min to reduce the complexity of the sample and generate a greater number of protein identifications.
  3. The cost of digestion with trypsin is included in the prices above. Use of any other enzyme(s) will result in an additional charge. Please ask for a quotation before filling in the appropriate submission form.
  4. The prices shown above are for each LC-MS/MS run, excluding VAT, - please consider this when calculating the total cost of the experiment.
  5. VAT will be payable on all external orders as exemption does not cover supply of 'information' (i.e. results). No VAT is payable by University of Cambridge customers.


Contact us

- Facility Manager

Tel: 01223 (7)60253

Services Offered

We require a valid purchase order (made out to University of Cambridge / Department of Biochemistry) to be attached to the submission form.



Cambridge Centre for Proteomics
c/o MRC-Toxicology Unit
Tennis Court Road